2023, architectural drawings, architectural model and sketches, dimension variable.
The empty squares scattered in art zone 798 constitute different units of the Bienniale, which are enough to accommodate outdoor public arts, giant display screens and supporting service facilities. And squares are connected to each other through the lineal exhibition area temporarily built on the street. Together, they constitute a continuous and fluid framework of biennale infrastructure.
Through the vertical superposition of streets, the frame absorbs the parasitic space originally attached to the industrial heritage-shops, catering, mobile stalls-so that the complete historical landscape of the industrial building can be restored. Also, it does not change the internal use of any existing buildings.
The frame insidiously created several giant “white cubes”, with the iconic building complex of 798 becoming the main body of the display.
The renderings of the project below depicts the scene before the opening of the Biennale. With the construction and the gentrification that goes with it, the atmosphere of 798 is bustling. The frame has turned the construction site into an art site: the art spaces along the street are strive to become the most eye-catching showcase, while the experimental project can only find affordable hidden places as alternative space. Construction workers, tourists, merchants, artists and art workers are intertwined, and their identities begin to become blurred. 798 seems to have restored the vitality of production during its period as a factory, and the once vacant space in the zone, which is now the construction site, has become a veritable art factory.